Monday, May 6, 2013

Why are girls so stupid?

So, any girl reading the title of this probably feels slightly offended right now, but read on and you will soon come to realise that this is in fact true (especially if you’re single). To be fair, it’s not really our fault as God has created the male species such that we will perhaps never fully understand them (and with that thought, I believe the feelings are mutual). In any case, part of life is to meet the right person, get married and start a family (you know the drill) but most of all don’t forget to have fun in the process, where dating usually plays its role.

Does it ever feel like it’s actually not fun, hard work or stressful? Yes, we have all been there. Dating can sometimes feel like a chore especially when you meet one loser after another. To be honest, the loser in fact is you. You’re making the wrong choices and falling for the traps you should be reading early on.